“Data is gold” is a frequently heard statement, a continuous flow of data provides insights into the business operations that were previously not seen. This flow of data comes from different applications and systems such as ERP systems and CRM systems. But to make all insights in this data visible, it is necessary to bring this data together in one system, a data warehouse with a single version of the truth.
“Classic” SAP BW
JUGO has been involved with SAP NetWeaver Business Warehouse, SAP BW for short. Due to the technological innovations in the field of in-memory data warehousing, SAP BW has already been labeled “classic”. But that does not mean that this solution is passé. On the contrary, it is and remains a robust solution on reliable hardware, with costs being a not unimportant aspect. Naturally, the latest developments on the SAP HANA platform, the question that may be asked is whether the available functionalities are insufficient.
SAP BW has a built-in ETL functionality with which various sources can be accessed. Especially in an SAP-oriented environment (read: sources) the supplied Business Content provides an acceleration for unlocking data.
For SAP BW data model, JUGO uses a multilayer architecture. This saves data in a structured and redundant manner. The cost of disk space does not outweigh the stability and speed with which the data is made available for reports.
Over the past decades JUGO has not only built up theoretical but also practical experience and knowledge about SAP BW. Making JUGO better than anyone else to set up, optimize and manage your SAP BW environment.
JUGO also provides interactive SAP BW training courses which are provided by experienced trainers. More information about these trainings can be found here.
The world around us is going much faster. News from yesterday is already outdated today. And this also applies to (management) information. Not only does the need increase to be quickly informed. An additional challenge is that the data volumes also increase exponentially.
A new development is the integration of SAP BW into the SAP HANA platform. The SAP HANA platform is an in-memory data and application platform with which data can be loaded and made available much faster because data is stored in the RAM, this memory is much faster than traditional data storage on hard disks. Real-time reporting becomes possible with this and can immediately be reacted to trends in the market.
With the combination of BW and HANA a hybrid solution is offered. On the one hand, the functional shell of SAP BW and the in-memory power of SAP HANA. JUGO uses a derived architecture that works more with virtualisation, because redundant storage is still costly for the time being.
HANA Native
With HANA native an EDW solution is created without the functional SAP BW shell. This requires a different approach and knowledge than SAP BW.
JUGO has gained extensive knowledge and experience in recent years with various HANA projects and environments. Not only does JUGO employ certified HANA consultants and we continue to invest in the latest developments. We translate our experiences into best-practices and look beyond just HANA technology. For example, an important aspect is data modeling with which the solution remains scalable and elements can be reused. More information about SAP HANA consultancy can be requested via the contact form.