2 juli 2018

Effective and efficient perception of information

In my previous blog In my previous blog “The Economic Benefits of Information Standardization” I have made a comparison between standardization within industries, like production processes, and the creation of management reports and dashboards. Where standardisation will lead to a reduced cost of ownership. no-repeat;left top;; auto fadeIn In this blog I focus on the other side of the spectrum In this blog I focus on the other side of the spectrum; the information consumer aka the decision maker. The […]
22 oktober 2017

The Economic Benefits of Information Standardization

Standardization is applied within all kinds of level within industries. Standardizations in production processes, but also within IT, for example interfaces (EDI, ODBC, …) and coding languages (SQL, XML, …). And why? Because standardization leads to cost reduction,  increased flexibility and improved responsiveness and quality. The question arises what the benefits would be for organisations using a standard form of business communication for the (management) information.   Cost Reduction through Standardization “Standardization can lead to lower transaction costs in the […]
16 maart 2017
Ronald van Lent Datavisualisatie

Self Service BI staat haaks op efficiënte besluitvorming

SAP omarmt in BO Cloud de IBCS standaard voor management rapportage Self Service BI leidt niet altijd tot betere beslissingen in de bedrijfsvoering. Volgens Ronald van Lent van het bedrijf JUGO draagt deze vorm van BI niet bij aan de efficiency van het besluitvormingsproces bij bestuurders. Het menselijk brein laat zich te gemakkelijk afleiden door fraaie plaatjes. Van Lent draagt het gedachtegoed uit van managementrapportages volgens de IBCS- standaard. Daarvan hebben de heldere boodschappen en geaggregeerde visualisaties zich al bewezen […]
10 oktober 2016

The Philips journey toward IBCS

By Jürgen Faisst and Nina Michels-Kim, CMA You know the problem: Choose any set of 10 reports from your company and you’ll find 10 different ways of presenting the information. Some reports put the message first, some put it at the end, and others don’t have any message at all. Some reports fail to specify the content, while others are overloaded with descriptions. Many contain no glossary with accepted definitions and abbreviations of key performance indicators. For instance, if you look at the […]